
Lehigh Times

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

July: Lehigh County is home to two Asian inmates

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Two Asian inmates were incarcerated in Lehigh County in July, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

This is unchanged from the month before.

Makaal Faulcon, a 17-year-old Black man, was the youngest inmate in Lehigh County in July.

Incarceration rates in Pennsylvania have increased dramatically, imprisoning more than seven times the number of people in 2019 than in 1970.

Sentencing practices in Pennsylvania were found to have overwhelmingly impacted people of color.

Inmates in Lehigh County in July

Abdul Khabir BenjaminBlack
Abgotti Najae OutlawBlack
Abraham MunizWhite
Ada AlvaradoWhite
Adalberto FabeloBlack
Adelson Anibal RiveraWhite
Adonis Abreu MartinezWhite
Adrian GlasgowBlack
Adrian Isiah Villanueva-PabonBlack
Adrian JimenezWhite
Adrian QuintanaWhite
Adyel BatistaBlack
Al-Mateen Ahmad ThorneBlack
Alan YoungWhite
Alberta CastilloWhite
Alberto Luis FloresWhite
Alberto Luis Rivera-RosarioWhite
Aldo Roberto MosqueraWhite
Alec Rivera BermudezWhite
Aleshia MillerWhite
Alex Javier GuevaraWhite
Alex Joele DejesusWhite
Alex Oneil FigueroaWhite
Alexander Gomez-ColonWhite
Alexander LopezWhite
Alexander Malave-EchevarriaWhite
Alexis Ali CruzWhite
Alexis NunezWhite
Alfatir DowellBlack
Alfredo Reyes OrtizWhite
Ali E. AttawayBlack
Allan Leslie SinananBlack
Allen Dean MillerWhite
Allen Michael DoucetteWhite
Allen NhinAsian
Alonso Anthony BlueBlack
Alonzo GarrettBlack
Alquide RiversBlack
Altarik SuttleBlack
Alvenio CulpepperBlack
Alvin Martin MeyerWhite
Amanda Marie RitterWhite
Amir Hasan AlstonBlack
Andre DavisBlack
Andre WaskoWhite
Andres Luis SegarraWhite
Andrew EbertsWhite
Andrew EliasWhite
Andrew MillerWhite
Angel Luis PaganWhite
Angel Luis RomanWhite
Angel Manuel CruzWhite
Angel Manuel Rios-AndujarWhite
Angel Miguel VargasBlack
Angel RiveraBlack
Angel Rivera-LopezWhite
Angel RuizWhite
Angelo Luis RiveraWhite
Anibal GonzalezWhite
Ann Marie WiederWhite
Anthony Christophe YergerWhite
Anthony Darrell HeathBlack
Anthony Dayshawn GladdenBlack
Anthony Eugene TillmanBlack
Anthony J. LeeBlack
Anthony Lee MitchellBlack
Anthony Lee RittonWhite
Anthony Michael WomackWhite
Anthony Nicholas MancinaWhite
Anthony SantosWhite
Anthony WilliamsWhite
Antoine Ahmad JohnsonBlack
Antoine Renee MackBlack
Antonio Dwayne McNeilBlack
Antonio Junior SerranoWhite
Antonio Luis RosarioWhite
Antonio Nathan RentasWhite
Antwan Jovan WashingtonBlack
Armando Morales-AlvaradoWhite
Armando Morales-RodrigezWhite
Armando Roblero-MoralesWhite
Arnaldo Daniel RiveraWhite
Arnaldo GarciaWhite
Arnold BellWhite
Arthur SchlabigWhite
Ashley Nicole CaraballoWhite
Austin D. VogelWhite
Axel Javier Suarez-GarayWhite
Baldyr Rene AntonWhite
Barry CrumblyBlack
Benjamin Jay SchraggerWhite
Bibiano OcasioWhite
Bienvenido RodriguezWhite
Billy Nieves RiveraWhite
Birdell BrockingtonBlack
Bobby Jene RiddickBlack
Bonnie PfluglerWhite
Bradford CopeWhite
Brandin Lee KasickWhite
Brandon Anthony FigueroaBlack
Brandon BishopWhite
Brandon EanesBlack
Brenda BartholdWhite
Brent Howard ChristopherWhite
Brett Allen MillerWhite
Brian BahrWhite
Brian ChapmanWhite
Brian Keith HoodWhite
Brian Kenneth MurthaWhite
Bryan Joel Morales JimenezOther
Bryan Perez-RiveraWhite
Bryan R. FreemanWhite
Bryan Robledo RodriguezWhite
Bryant SantiagoBlack
Byron MathewsBlack
Caleb Gregory BarnesWhite
Carlos Antonio ConnerBlack
Carlos Atanacio-ReyesWhite
Carlos EstrellaWhite
Carlos Manuel TorresWhite
Carlos NievesWhite
Carlos Roberto AvilaWhite
Carmelo GonzalezWhite
Carol LoflandBlack
Carson Dalkeath GollabBlack
Casey Doloreskay ReedBlack
Cedric D. CoatsBlack
Cedric Darnell BoswellBlack
Cesar L. FebusWhite
Chad David FrankenfieldWhite
Chad MumbauerWhite
Charles Anthony TaborBlack
Charles GainsBlack
Charles J. NonnemacherWhite
Charles Leroy BarlipWhite
Charles PackBlack
Charles R. T. JonesWhite
Charles WashingtonBlack
Charlie CastilloWhite
Charlie MackBlack
Chene Angelique MejiasWhite
Chris Allen BallekWhite
Chris DunbarBlack
Christian Adbiel OrtizWhite
Christian Alberto Diaz-DejesusWhite
Christian BuenoWhite
Christian M. CamargoWhite
Christopher Allen BerryBlack
Christopher BetancourthWhite
Christopher C. JacksonWhite
Christopher Chevelle JacksonBlack
Christopher Chevelle JacksonBlack
Christopher G. BealsWhite
Christopher HansonWhite
Christopher HartWhite
Christopher Isaac CosmeWhite
Christopher Jon TrotterWhite
Christopher JonesBlack
Christopher Jospeh MeltonBlack
Christopher Lee BencosmeBlack
Christopher Lee MannWhite
Christopher LoraBlack
Christopher NievesWhite
Christopher R. KarcWhite
Christopher Rafael SantanaWhite
Clarence Edward JonesBlack
Clarence HartBlack
Clary SimmonsBlack
Cleveland HunterBlack
Clyde Alexander LontBlack
Cole Shannon WoodlandWhite
Collin Quaci ThompsonBlack
Corey Darius BrantleyBlack
Corey John MehltretterWhite
Corey Lee HarveyBlack
Corey Russell SicklerBlack
Cornelius Dewayne FreemanBlack
Cory HaverstockWhite
Craig StricklandBlack
Cristal SantiagoWhite
Cristian Gerardo Santiago-PerezWhite
Cristian Joel Rodriguez-PachecoWhite
Curt OmalleyWhite
Curtis L. KuharWhite
Curtis Leon SmithBlack
Curtis William GreenWhite
Dakota Margaret SchmoyerWhite
Dale Edwin VontishWhite
Dale Frank KleinerWhite
Damal ClarkBlack
Damion Demitrius EllerbyBlack
Dana Allen SlegelWhite
Dana YoungBlack
Daniel Andrew OdomBlack
Daniel Antonio JohnsonBlack
Daniel J. LugoWhite
Daniel J. MatosWhite
Daniel L. DreyWhite
Daniel LylesBlack
Daniel Morton ReaganWhite
Daniel Pitre ValentinWhite
Daniel R. EnglemanWhite
Daniel SpearsBlack
Daniel ValerioWhite
Daniel Wade BarryWhite
Danny Mroz-CondeBlack
Danny Perez-GonzalezWhite
Darius Kevin MaurerBlack
Darius Lee PrimerBlack
Darnell Ray LewisBlack
Darrell Burheen SmithBlack
Darrell LedetWhite
Darryl E. DunstWhite
Darryl Jermaine DanielsBlack
Darryl Kendail WoodyBlack
Dashon Lamar WalkerBlack
David Adam RapoportWhite
David BaatzBlack
David CrollWhite
David Dallus CunardWhite
David Donald DilliardWhite
David H. FloodWhite
David HuertasWhite
David J. AlbertWhite
David Jonathan FreemanWhite
David LafantanoWhite
David ReppertWhite
David Richard RothrockWhite
David RiveraWhite
David RodriguezWhite
David Roy SchanebergerWhite
David Russell FaustWhite
David VegaBlack
David William SchaferWhite
Dean L. HaberstumpfWhite
Del Robyn FentyBlack
Delvis PeraltaWhite
Demetrius JohnsonBlack
Dennis Allen YenserWhite
Dennis John VelezWhite
Dennison E. LowryBlack
Derek BullardWhite
Derek Delano BelkBlack
Derek JonesBlack
Derek ReynosoBlack
Derrel Reginald CintronBlack
Derrick Alexander StoneBlack
Deshante FrazierBlack
Devin Kordell RarickBlack
Devon JosephBlack
Devon Jovan SchollWhite
Devon Timothy BerklelyBlack
Dillon BuskirkWhite
Dimitric CeasarBlack
Dionel De La Cruz-PaulinoBlack
Dionne LaneBlack
Dmetrius SandersBlack
Donald FrancisBlack
Donald MeyerWhite
Donald Raymond DoughertyWhite
Donald SanchezWhite
Dondre Prince Simon-JeremiahBlack
Donn M. WalckWhite
Donnell McCloudBlack
Dontaie AndersonBlack
Douglas Thomas MeleschukWhite
Dylan TannerWhite
Earnest J. BurtonBlack
Eddie Ergardo DejesusBlack
Eddie L. ClemonsBlack
Edgar Allan LopezWhite
Edgar Manuel CastilloWhite
Edilberto FunezWhite
Eduardo Arena GarciaBlack
Edward Anthony MayeBlack
Edward ElmoreBlack
Edward Joel Rosario-JiminezWhite
Edward Junito GonzalezWhite
Edward MedeloWhite
Edward Paul HeydtWhite
Edward Scott YoungWhite
Edwin AybarWhite
Edwin R. RomeroWhite
Efrain MirandaWhite
Eli Franklyn GlasperBlack
Elias ArizaWhite
Elizabeth G. LovellWhite
Elwood Ferguson GladneyWhite
Elyn Jose MartesWhite
Emanuel LopezBlack
Emilio DejesusWhite
Emmanuel Louis LopezBlack
Emmanuel PayanoWhite
Enrique GomezWhite
Enrique Manuel OrtizWhite
Eric D. MoralesWhite
Eric Deshawn GulleyBlack
Eric GermanWhite
Eric Irizarry-InglesWhite
Eric Jude ErlemannWhite
Eric Monroe DavisBlack
Eric R. KrebsWhite
Eric Raul GalarzaWhite
Erick Jordan GuzmanBlack
Ernesto ColonWhite
Eugenio Hernandez-AndinoBlack
Euric RodriguezBlack
Evan J. GriffithsWhite
Evlashawn Yanique LindoWhite
Feliciano Rodriguez-GuerraWhite
Felix AlvarezBlack
Felix MendozaWhite
Fernando Luis RiveraWhite
Flint Andrew StatonWhite
Florencio VazquezWhite
Francisco J. FigueroaWhite
Frank Adam YeagerWhite
Frank James KerosetzWhite
Frank Norman SnyderWhite
Franklin ColonBlack
Franklin FajardoWhite
Freddie GuilbeWhite
Frederick Earl BannerBlack
Gabriel Alexandro RamosWhite
Gabriel Isham PittmanBlack
Gabriel Nelson-MercedesWhite
Gabriel RiveraWhite
Gariel Alberto TejadaBlack
Garry Harvey MasonBlack
Gary Kenard YanceyBlack
Gary Mark KiefferWhite
Gary Paul ColesWhite
Gary Richard HorningWhite
Gary WallaceBlack
Gene HawkinsBlack
Geoffrey Thomas KleinWhite
George BattisWhite
George GrayBlack
George HermanWhite
George Ivan LopezWhite
George John NeiderbergerWhite
George Luis BarbosaWhite
George WashingtonBlack
George Washington TabbBlack
George YoussefWhite
Gerald Sherman PaulleyWhite
Ghassan YounesWhite
Giavoni Michael RivielloWhite
Gilbert Robert GreenWhite
Giovanni Antonio MartinezBlack
Giovanny CollazoWhite
Glenn David McGogneyWhite
Gordon Henry RohrbaughWhite
Gregory L. SellWhite
Gustavo David Velez-HernandezWhite
Gybram MelendezWhite
Hakeen Kereem AustinBlack
Harold BauzaWhite
Harry Leo LiciagaBlack
Harvey M. RobinsonWhite
Hasan CollierBlack
Hasan MujovicWhite
Hasheam Mack-TansmoreBlack
Heather Aisha HarrisBlack
Hector GonzalezWhite
Hector Ivan MoralesBlack
Hector L. Pimentel-CabanWhite
Hector Luis Arroyo-RiveraWhite
Hector Luis CortesWhite
Hector MedinaWhite
Hector SerranoWhite
Henry G. HolmesBlack
Henry Xavier Resto-ColonWhite
Heriberto OrtizWhite
Herman Luis OjedaWhite
Hiram Santiago-SotoBlack
Hishamu T. CurryBlack
Holly Ann ApplegateWhite
Horace KiefferWhite
Ian Bradley CorbinBlack
Iris RodriguezOther
Irvin Eric GarciaWhite
Isaac Joseph NavarroBlack
Isaac RestoWhite
Isaah J. SampsonBlack
Isaiah Charles DavisBlack
Isaiah Ciprian LopezWhite
Ismael MohammedBlack
Israel Lopez-CarmonaWhite
Issac Bilal PearsonBlack
Issac DickersonBlack
Ivan Caled MaisonetWhite
Jackie Ray HolmesBlack
Jai HernandezWhite
Jaime Fernandez-MaldonadoWhite
Jaime GonzalezWhite
Jaime Rodriguez-GonzalesWhite
Jamal Theodore JonesBlack
James BradshawWhite
James Joseph GolabWhite
James MartinBlack
James Michael AndrewsWhite
James R. MallesWhite
James Roderick FosterBlack
James S. RavenellBlack
James Winfield LaughlinWhite
Jamett Antonio RiveraWhite
Jamie Ezekiel DiazBlack
Jamie Lynn SilvonekWhite
Janaz GalmonBlack
Jaqueze Akais CampbellBlack
Jaquil Muhammad Paschall-BrownBlack
Jarek W. SliferWhite
Jaron Joseph FlowersBlack
Jashua Kinch-RodriguezWhite
Jasiah LopezWhite
Jason ConnellyBlack
Jason FrettiWhite
Jason LichtenwalnerWhite
Jatxelle Sardina-RojasWhite
Javier Cortes-OzoaWhite
Javier Humberto ToroWhite
Javier MaysonetWhite
Javier OrtegaBlack
Javier RamosWhite
Jawon Hurley JohnsonBlack
Jayden Marquise RiveraWhite
Jayson Manuel Pena-SotomayorWhite
Jean Carlos Irizarry RodriguezWhite
Jeffrey Lavar BurtonBlack
Jeniffer Lyn RichardsonWhite
Jerard Stevens DavisBlack
Jeremiah NievesWhite
Jeremy HottelWhite
Jeremy Lee WagnerWhite
Jeremy Neil EmertWhite
Jeremy P. BallietWhite
Jeremy Paul BeilWhite
Jermaine Jerome GreenBlack
Jerome SmithBlack
Jerry J. JulianWhite
Jerry Suarez-GutierrezWhite
Jerry TorresWhite
Jesse HaferWhite
Jessica Sharelle AdamsBlack
Jesus DejesusWhite
Jesus DominguezWhite
Jesus FloresWhite
Jesus RamosWhite
Jesus RobinsonWhite
Jill Beth UzdanovicsWhite
Joed Valentin-MoralesWhite
Joel BurgerWhite
Joel ColonWhite
Joel Donald CarlWhite
Joevanni Ray VazquezWhite
Joey Vidal GonzalezWhite
Johan Perez-SantosWhite
John A. HansonWhite
John Anthony VegaBlack
John Bruce MayerWhite
John Fitzgerald OwensBlack
John Garland EdenWhite
John Henry JonesWhite
John James BreelandBlack
John Jermaine BoydBlack
John Lee SmaleWhite
John Lewis HerschmanWhite
John Michael AcheyWhite
John Milton EdingerWhite
John Oscar EsquilinBlack
John Phillip OckenhouseWhite
John Steven MarreroWhite
John WellsWhite
Johnathan Richard TrumpWhite
Johnesha Monae PerryBlack
Johnny IngramBlack
Johnny RamosWhite
Jomar Christophe ValleWhite
Jonathan Aaron SchafferWhite
Jonathan Daniel CovineWhite
Jonathan Joel PereiraBlack
Jonathan Jose DiazBlack
Jonathan M. JimenezWhite
Jonathan Manuel GarciaWhite
Jonathan NunezBlack
Jonathan Rodriguez-ReyesBlack
Jonathan RompillaWhite
Jonathan Scott HeydtWhite
Jonathon SkoniecznyWhite
Jordan Michael BattleBlack
Jorge A. SanchezWhite
Jorge Francisco HernandezWhite
Jorge Luis Andino-AliceaWhite
Jose A. CastroWhite
Jose Almodover-RodriguezWhite
Jose Angel CarrascoBlack
Jose Antonio CortesBlack
Jose Antonio OrtizWhite
Jose Arismendi RodriguezWhite
Jose Colon MoralesWhite
Jose CruzWhite
Jose Elia DiazWhite
Jose Enrique CruzWhite
Jose Freddie PerezBlack
Jose Gabriel Rivera-CabreraWhite
Jose Luis TorresWhite
Jose Manuel CastilloWhite
Jose Manuel GonzalezWhite
Jose Miguel AlmanzarBlack
Jose Miguel FelicianoWhite
Jose Nicolas GarciaWhite
Jose Orlando Rivera-RiveraWhite
Jose Rafael Martinez-VelazquezWhite
Jose SantanaBlack
Jose TorresWhite
Jose VanderdysWhite
Josef Charles RaszlerWhite
Joselito OrtizWhite
Joseph Anthony Rodriguez-ValcarcelWhite
Joseph IrizarryWhite
Joseph Lee DavisWhite
Joseph Mauro FioreWhite
Joseph Michael FoxWhite
Joseph Michael SantiagoWhite
Joseph Thomas BloseWhite
Joseph VelezWhite
Joshua Clifford ShillerWhite
Joshua ColonWhite
Joshua FreemanWhite
Joshua Javier RomanBlack
Joshua Jemmel DattsBlack
Joshua LivingstonBlack
Joshua Martin LambWhite
Joshua Michael BoozeBlack
Joshua Nathaniel ColonWhite
Joshua Rafael SantosWhite
Joshua Torres-RuizBlack
Joshwynn Adrian GarciaWhite
Josuejoel Santiago-SerpaWhite
Jovanni Javier SerranoWhite
Juan Alberto FigueroaWhite
Juan Carlos Martinez-EspinosaWhite
Juan MarreroWhite
Juan RiveraWhite
Julian Devonte ColbertBlack
Julian NavarroWhite
Julian RobinsonBlack
Julio Angel AmaroBlack
Julio OrtizWhite
Julio ParedesWhite
Julio Raul ContrerasBlack
Julius Paul CastroBlack
Junie Antonio WoffardBlack
Junior A. Nolasco-ReyesWhite
Junius BurnoBlack
Justin CarterBlack
Justin CobbWhite
Justin Lee JohnsonBlack
Justin RomanWhite
K'Von Louwiz AmaroBlack
Kareem Rashawn GreenBlack
Kareem Shaheed SwintonBlack
Kaseem Lovett-OrrBlack
Kasson GreenBlack
Katelyn Danielle ViolaWhite
Kathleen HerenciaWhite
Kawan Arron MorrisonBlack
Kelby Manuel Tejada-GordilsBlack
Kellsie L. DemkovitzWhite
Kelvin C. CourtrightWhite
Kelvin Marquis HarrisBlack
Kendall C. RichardsonBlack
Kendell Charles FosterBlack
Kenith Yadiel Otero-RuizWhite
Kenneth Altereek BellamyBlack
Kenneth Charles ConklinWhite
Kenneth Gerald MillerWhite
Kenneth TorbeckWhite
Kenny AyalaWhite
Kevin Bladimir RamosWhite
Kevin Francis TonerWhite
Kevin L. TaylorBlack
Kevin Lee ColumboWhite
Kevin Lyle ReisWhite
Kevin Marcus HarrisBlack
Kevin MartinezBlack
Kevin O'NeillWhite
Kevin StahlneckerWhite
Khalil Anthony TomlinsonBlack
Khaliq CampbellBlack
Khoty SchoedlerWhite
Kovet SimpsonBlack
Kraig DaubertBlack
Kwame MassinaBlack
Kyle Akeem SantiagoBlack
Kyle B. PierceBlack
Kyle Charles DickersonBlack
Kyle M. FinselWhite
Lacione RobinsonBlack
Lafayette Chaves UpshawBlack
Lamont LomaxBlack
Laquaye Earl HamiltonBlack
Larry James KresslerWhite
Larry Lamar KellyBlack
Larry R. BeitlerWhite
Larry Ray YawWhite
Larry Scott NagyWhite
Lastasha Sharrell SerranoBlack
Latham Graham CohoonWhite
Lazarus RoldanWhite
Leigh Ann JonesWhite
Leonard KoskovichWhite
Leonardo Turull-MoralesWhite
Leonel BenitezWhite
Leroy Timyo HarrisonBlack
Levy ValeraWhite
Lizandy Antonio TrejoWhite
Llenyee Rodriquez-AracaneemdBlack
Lorenzo DyerBlack
Louis WalkerBlack
Lucas Matthew SowellWhite
Luis A. LopezWhite
Luis A. SantiagoWhite
Luis Albert Matos-RamosWhite
Luis Alberto SepulvedaWhite
Luis Alberto VelezWhite
Luis Alonzo VillatoroWhite
Luis Angel CruzWhite
Luis Angel Perez-RamirezWhite
Luis Angel RiveraWhite
Luis Ariel MoralesWhite
Luis E. Benitez-ConcepcionWhite
Luis E. PadillaWhite
Luis Enrique TorresWhite
Luis Ernesto Hernandez-OquendoWhite
Luis Feliciano-CaquiasWhite
Luis Felipe Morales-PerezWhite
Luis Guillermo IglesiasWhite
Luis M. CruzWhite
Luis Minuel LazuBlack
Luis Nestor MartinezWhite
Luis PearsonWhite
Luis Santiago-NievesWhite
Maico Jose RosadoWhite
Makaal FaulconBlack
Malcolm Justin NugentBlack
Malik Eduardo DeleonBlack
Malik Joell JohnsonBlack
Malik WardBlack
Malvin Roy MeckesWhite
Manuel Antonio Rivera-AgostoWhite
Manuel FigueroaWhite
Manuel GonzalezBlack
Manuel HernandezWhite
Marc Anthony ArnoldBlack
Marc TannerBlack
Marcanthony GonzalezWhite
Marcell SmithBlack
Marco Antonio Flores-GilWhite
Marcos Antonio ReyesWhite
Marcos IrizarryWhite
Marcus McCraeBlack
Maria Catherine EisemanWhite
Maria D. TorreWhite
Mario MartisWhite
Mark David BrooksBlack
Mark Edward WolfWhite
Markus Tarrell SmithBlack
Marquis Noel BannisterBlack
Martin Jesus LopezWhite
Marvin Gilberto BenitezWhite
Matthew David DuchWhite
Matthew Eric DietrichWhite
Matthew James MiserendinoWhite
Matthew Joseph WhiteWhite
Matthew Ronald MuroWhite
Matthew Stephen JensenWhite
Melissa DoWhite
Melissa Lynn BeanWhite
Melvin Anthony HernandezBlack
Melvin Joel VelazquezWhite
Melvin VegaWhite
Michael A. HernandezWhite
Michael Adam GamblerWhite
Michael Alan AlexanderBlack
Michael Anthony BurdoWhite
Michael Antonio ArceAmerican Indian
Michael ButlerBlack
Michael David FontanezWhite
Michael David LaytonBlack
Michael DeanWhite
Michael Duane SikoraWhite
Michael Eric BallardWhite
Michael James BreelandBlack
Michael Jerome PalmerBlack
Michael John JezickWhite
Michael LaneBlack
Michael Leon HaleyBlack
Michael NegronWhite
Michael Roger BellamyBlack
Michael SmithBlack
Michael Stephen BrownWhite
Michael TackerWhite
Michael TranWhite
Miguel Alejandro BadellWhite
Miguel Angel FigueroaWhite
Miguel Angel FloresWhite
Miguel Angel MartinezWhite
Miguel Angel RiveraWhite
Miguel Angel Torres-GarciaWhite
Miguel David Valdez-FelizBlack
Miguel Mejia ValeraBlack
Miguel RodriguezWhite
Miguel Santana-GarciaWhite
Mikael Rafael ColesBlack
Miles HarperBlack
Milton WashingtonBlack
Mohamed Fode SyllaBlack
Montrel MansellBlack
Mualim S. WashingtonBlack
Nacola Darcel FranklinBlack
Naequan Kalil FelicianoBlack
Naisheme W. RiddickBlack
Nakia RiveraBlack
Nandy L. AriasWhite
Nathan D. ShanWhite
Neil Nathaniel KavounasWhite
Nelson BirdwellWhite
Nelson James SimmonsBlack
Nelson Javier Beltran-ColonWhite
Nelson MartinezWhite
Nelson Omar Laboy PirelaWhite
Nelson Ortiz RiveraBlack
Nelson RolonWhite
Nicholas Gerard CaccappoloWhite
Nicholas HudsonBlack
Nicholas M. StrohlWhite
Nicholas Paul GowlandWhite
Nichole Ashley BausherWhite
Nicole KremsnerWhite
Nikayla Santiago-VasquezWhite
Nikolas DavisBlack
Nikolas Jarred AcevedoWhite
Noel Antonio RodriguezWhite
Noel BautistaBlack
Norman Alberto Maldanado CruzWhite
Norman SlaterWhite
Norman T. StewardBlack
Omar PowellBlack
Onix Omar Rivera-DiazWhite
Orlando Francisco DurazoWhite
Orlando Gonzalez-CrespoWhite
Orlin Rolando Rodriguez-AcostaWhite
Ormar Nathaniel MorrisBlack
Orville A. BarrettBlack
Osbel Polanco-CalderonWhite
Osirus Antonio LopezWhite
Patricia CannonOther
Patricia L. RorrerWhite
Patricia MillerWhite
Patrick GonzalezWhite
Paul Bradshaw HarringtonWhite
Paul LittleBlack
Paul Sean JonesBlack
Paul Tafart PateBlack
Paulino RodriguezWhite
Pedro Alicea-PerezWhite
Pedro Junior RodriguezWhite
Pedro Luis Acevedo-SolanoWhite
Pedro Luis ColonWhite
Pedro Luis GonzalezWhite
Pedro Rodriguez-DelgadoWhite
Peter Bienvienid RojasBlack
Peter Brooks BadgerWhite
Peter Jason KistlerWhite
Peter Michael BaglioWhite
Philipe CalderonWhite
Philome CesarBlack
Quaan Shekiem WhiteBlack
Quante Levon CruzBlack
Quincy Paul JohnsonBlack
Qwashawn Diasheed CruzBlack
Rachel WarrisWhite
Raekwon Tyrell MitchellBlack
Rafael Ruiz-FigueroaBlack
Rafael TiradoWhite
Raheim Jamal WhitehurstBlack
Ralph A. AbreuWhite
Ramell Scott HurdleBlack
Ramiel VegaBlack
Ramir Nafi FairleyBlack
Ramon Andrew MaldonadoWhite
Ramon Luis Reyes-DejesusWhite
Ramon ReyesWhite
Ramon SanchezBlack
Randy DelarosaBlack
Raphel BerrienBlack
Raul ArteagaWhite
Raul CebolleroWhite
Raul GerenaWhite
Raul N. CaraballoBlack
Raymond SolanoWhite
Reginald WestBlack
Remark Anthony BellBlack
Rennie Tyrell WattsBlack
Reynaldo GarciaWhite
Reynaldo Lopez-CalderonWhite
Reynold James LewisBlack
Ricardo FerminWhite
Ricardo MonteroWhite
Riccardo James LawBlack
Richard Charles MillerWhite
Richard Eli OteroWhite
Richard L. MillerWhite
Richard Lee CarionWhite
Richard RobinsonBlack
Richard StoudtWhite
Ricky GarciaBlack
Ricky W. SchlottBlack
Robert A. RodriguezWhite
Robert Allen MorrowWhite
Robert Anthony JourdainBlack
Robert Carlton ReidBlack
Robert Charles SlossWhite
Robert E. WarrisWhite
Robert FlowersBlack
Robert Henry GuthBlack
Robert J. KritzarWhite
Robert James FosterWhite
Robert Lee BullockBlack
Roberto Garcia BerriosWhite
Robinson Alexis TorresWhite
Robinson Antonio CorderoWhite
Rocky G. JimenezWhite
Roderick Repaul DorseyBlack
Roland W. SchallerWhite
Roman Sheldon BentleyBlack
Romeo L. HoupeWhite
Rommel WilliamsBlack
Ronald B. WertmanWhite
Ronald Eugene KerrBlack
Ronald Paul ReedWhite
Ruban PichiriloBlack
Ruben RiveraBlack
Ruddy SeverinoBlack
Rushawn MatthewsBlack
Rushquan Kelly MatthewsBlack
Russell Charles NeaveBlack
Russell KehmWhite
Russell Keith KernWhite
Ryan Jermaine JohnsonBlack
Ryan Robert ShimpWhite
Ryan Scott ShiveWhite
Sachariel Vinico PolancoWhite
Saiyyd GonzalezBlack
Saleem WilsonBlack
Saleem-Elijah FaulkBlack
Sami Johnny SayeghWhite
Samuel Dejesus VazquezWhite
Samuel Enrique Lebron-GracianiWhite
Samuel Lewis McNeilBlack
Samuel SantosWhite
Sandro G. ZhininWhite
Santiago CorreaBlack
Sarah Elizabeth BellBlack
Sasha Marie VargasWhite
Saul Ernesto ArteagaWhite
Savannah StinsonBlack
Scot A. ReinertWhite
Scott Alan MoyerWhite
Sean PerlmanWhite
Sedan Robert WilliamsBlack
Shadre Quamire LeachBlack
Shaheem Wayne MasonBlack
Shaka Tyler BrownBlack
Shalamar R. CarmonBlack
Shalon CunninghamBlack
Shamel Leroy JonesBlack
Shane Christian UprightWhite
Shane T. HazlettWhite
Shaquel Daquise RansomeBlack
Shaquille McLeodBlack
Sharaad Rahmon LatsonBlack
Sharif HallBlack
Sharif Roney WilliamsonBlack
Shawn Allen GaffneyWhite
Shawn Andre WaltonBlack
Shawn DavisBlack
Shawn Michael DawsonWhite
Shawn William BalthaserWhite
Shawnquinn Devonte CruzBlack
Shekir ThomasBlack
Sheldon Lindley KrockWhite
Sherrone LucasBlack
Sherry GermanWhite
Spencer Alexander JeffersonBlack
Stanley HeisermanWhite
Stefan Aleksandr BihanskyjWhite
Steffen Shaun RookstoolWhite
Stephanie CrouseWhite
Stephanie Lynn FrankWhite
Stephen Harley ZuberWhite
Stephen Lee MalarchikWhite
Stephon Orlando NewmonesBlack
Steve ImpellizzeriWhite
Steven Brad KresgeWhite
Steven Casey OliemullerWhite
Steven E. DreisbachWhite
Steven Sherman FeltonBlack
Steven SteigerwaltWhite
Symon A. WalkerBlack
Taariq ThomasBlack
Tahreel Maleek TownsendBlack
Tajuan Rahmeen AllenBlack
Tarik R. SweeneyBlack
Tariq Qaadir BaileyBlack
Tarrance GarnerBlack
Tasa Sharonn MelendezBlack
Tazah Marquis CrableBlack
Ted Louis BohnenbergerWhite
Terelle Antwon HarrisBlack
Terrance BetheaBlack
Terrence Antonio JubileeBlack
Terrie Lynn CollopyWhite
Terry Michael ButcherWhite
Texford Olrick JohnBlack
Thomas Duane TaylorBlack
Thomas E. JohnsonBlack
Thomas Emmanuel WashingtonBlack
Thomas ItingerWhite
Thomas Jr. KobleWhite
Thomas Ruben RodriguezWhite
Tierre Lamont DavisBlack
Timmy HartwellBlack
Timothy HorlacherWhite
Timothy J. DiazBlack
Timothy Michael MerwarthWhite
Timothy MortWhite
Timothy Paul LabarreWhite
Timothy SettleBlack
Tito Reinaldo Birch-GreyBlack
Todd Allen SmithWhite
Todd Kenyan WestBlack
Travis ClarkWhite
Travon Marrell CookBlack
Tristin Michael WillWhite
Troy CollinsBlack
Troy DodsonBlack
Tykweis Darnay WadeBlack
Tyquan MorrisBlack
Tyreek Aziz MuldrowBlack
Tyrell HaynesBlack
Tyrell Jenard SingletaryBlack
Tyrell Taylor HinesBlack
Tyrieff HartBlack
Tyriq BrockingtonBlack
Tyrone CarterBlack
Tyrone ComptonBlack
Tyson Laebie RosarioWhite
Ulysses Javier CortesWhite
Ulysses RodriguezWhite
Unique SantiagoWhite
Uriah O'CarrollBlack
Vicente Virgil LainezWhite
Vickens StimphontBlack
Victor Alexander MoralesWhite
Victor MatosWhite
Victor TorresWhite
Victoria MejiasWhite
Vijon Anthony WestonBlack
Vincent D. ThomasBlack
Vincent Ignacio BalsecaWhite
Vladimir Correa-AyalaWhite
Waldemar Medero CoraBlack
Waldemar RiveraWhite
Walter BratvoldWhite
Walter FrazierBlack
Walter MartinezWhite
Wayne HolmesBlack
Wendi Leanne StanfordWhite
Wes Lee BrownWhite
William A. NollWhite
William Christophe MeleschuckWhite
William CowardBlack
William Duane Maldonado-RosadoWhite
William E. WebsterWhite
William EldridgeBlack
William FollmerWhite
William J. RobertsWhite
William KulpWhite
William MedinaWhite
William Moises TorresWhite
William MolinaWhite
William PenaWhite
William Phillips VagnoniWhite
William Serrano FebresWhite
William WardBlack
Win Min HtutAsian
Worris Carl MitchellBlack
Xavier Rodriguez-SantaWhite
Yoni ContrerasBlack
Yostin Alberto Montes De Oca AlmaBlack
Yzire Jenkins-RoweBlack
Zachariah Isaih DiazWhite
Zachary R. EltzWhite
Zakiiy Altariq CarsonBlack
Zimri Elijahwan BradshawBlack
Zoraida FloresWhite
Zumar AliBlack
Zyair Muhammed SingletonBlack